1.Valve Corporation 2. https://www.valvesoftware.com/en/ 3.Profiles-Youtube/Steam 4.Valve utilize their digital distribution platform Steam in order to keep their users up to date as well as a Youtube channel to announce new projects or features for their platform 5. Sep 8th(Steam),November 28th 2018(Youtube) 6. Valve mostly utilizes Steam in order to distribute information to their customers. Since there is always new software and deals going on in the platform Valve keeps up to date. 1.Wendy's 2. https://www.wendys.com/home 3.Instagram,Twitter, Facebook 4.They use all of their social media 5.Twitter(Sep 7th),FB(Sep 3rd),IG(Sep 4th) 6. Wendys being a huge fast food corporation utilizes all aspects of social media as well with encouraging its branches to have their own social media to promote products. On their main website they have promotional materials to be utilized by branches and other marketing firms 1.Miguels Cocina 2. https://www.miguels-cocina.com/a-taste-...